Dog Ownership and Relationship Deal Breakers

Dog Ownership and Relationship Deal Breakers [PLEASE READ: Why Does My Boyfriend Hate My Dog? ] People get in some pretty tough places when it comes to relationships and pet ownership. It can range from purely annoying to outright abuse of the dog, and even domestic violence. It isn’t unheard that angry boyfriends, girlfriends, jealous […]

Q & A: Why 18 Lessons?

Q & A: Why 18 Lessons? Call Today! Sam Basso PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531 OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Email: [email protected] (If you are reading this article, I assume your dog needs Obedience training, not one of my other programs…) I’ve been asked a […]

Understanding The Dominant Dog

Understanding The Dominant Dog Call Today! Sam Basso PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531 OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Email: [email protected] Dominance is defined as “resource holding potential”. A dominant dog competes for a resource, either with you, another person, or another animal. You need to […]

Dogs Need Dental Care Like People

Dogs Need Dental Care Like People Call Today! Sam Basso PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531 OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Email: [email protected] Almost all dogs over 2 years of age have periodontal disease (bacteria in the mouth which is destroying gums, ligaments, bone and teeth, […]

Dogs Should Be Fun

Dogs Should Be Fun! Call Today! Sam Basso PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531 OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Email: [email protected] Dogs should be a source of fun and enjoyment in your home, not a source of strife and frustration. Yet, many dogs, for a lack […]