Cujo The Killer Pekingese

Cujo The Killer Pekingese: TESTIMONIAL

Call Today!
Sam Basso
PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531
OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson
Email: [email protected]

Hi Sam,

I wanted to update you on Teddy the killer Pekingese. He was adopted to a lady that owned a Pekingese a lot like him, for 18 yrs. she had to tell him upfront that first day she was a bigger Pekingese than him when he tried to bite her but since then he now knows his place and is as sweet as can be. Hard to imagine he is the same dog that came here with behavioral problems. He still tries to fly off ever now and then but she has done great and the temper tantrums are rarely happening now. I attached some pictures I just got of him. Looking at him it is hard to tell this dog was labeled a “Killer”. I also attached a picture of Buddy my “problem Rottweiler” with Jane Calhoun. Buddy is doing great, no more problems out of him and I have to admit he is spoiled rotten and is just a big teddy bear. Anyway thanks again for all your help, without it I am not sure I could have gotten Teddy adopted into such a good home as he has now. Thanks for all you do. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Rhonda waters
SSRRLeadHC/TTCoordinator (Southern States Rottweiler Rescue)
Foster mom to Sasha,Tuff,Susie,Mickey,Millie,Macy
Mom to Fallen,Faison,Lexie&Lance(My Darlin Dobermans)
Perm Foster to Buddy(AKA Bud-bud) My special rotten boy
Hercules & Milo-My foster angels, On RainbowBridge we will meet again. Till then your forever in my heart.

If there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they went.


August 20, 2004

“Cujo The Killer Pekingese

Dear Sam,

How difficult a dog are you interested in working with? I am about to get one a lot worse than Buddy the Rottweiler. Buddy’s a teddy bear next to Teddy boy, nicknamed “Cujo The Killer Pekingese”.

1.) He’s toy and food aggressive.
2.) He can be real loving, cuddling with you, then for no reason just snaps and goes into a rage.
3.) No Pekingese rescue groups will take him, no one wants to foster him and he’s been deemed unadoptable. He’s bitten a child, is just a little holy terror. I’m hoping to put him with my female 6 year old Doberman, who is very well trained and is very trusting of me so that maybe he will learn from her. She helped Buddy a lot. Buddy’s learned quite a bit from watching her.

Anyway, I really want to help this Pekingese. I’ve never had one before and this will be a challenge but if Teddy doesn’t change his attitude they are threatening to put him down. He’s too cute for me to let that happen. If I can handle him, then my foster home I have for those tough little breeds can handle him until we get him a new home. I hope. Buddy is coming on Sunday. He’s on Cloud 9 right now. If I can just keep him happy until Sunday, I may actually get to be touched by somebody. LOL!

Rhonda Waters
SSRR Volunteer Recruiter
SSRRFosterMommie to Sasha & puppies, Tuff, Mickey, Milo, Macy,Millie&Susie
Fallen,Faison,Lexie & Lance’s mommie( My 4 Darlin Dobermans)and Buddy-Buddy my special Rotten boy.

If you don’t rescue, don’t breed!

Sam Basso is a professional dog trainer and behaviorist, in the Phoenix/ Scottsdale metropolitan area. He’s known for being fun, kind, intelligent, and humane. Sam Basso has a unique personal touch. He has appeared on his own TV show, been a guest radio expert, gives seminars, publishes a dog related blog, does rescue volunteering, and is active in promoting animal welfare and fair dog laws.

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