Dogs And Landscaping

It is time to evaluate if your yard is safe and useful.

1.) Remove excess rubbish and junk.

2.) Which nuisance and toxic plants need to go?

3.) Is there sufficient shade?

4.) What is the condition of the lawn?

5.) Time to look at that sprinkler system, making repairs.

6.) What about lawn furniture? Has your dog damaged them, or do you need to add more? For some dogs, it is a good idea to plan a Place for them to lay when outside.

7.) How is the condition of your fencing, walls, gates and locks? You don’t want an escape or an intrusion.

8.) How about some security cameras? Motion detection and other security systems?

9.) Let’s take a look at that swimming pool. Is it safe for your dog? Do you need to add better steps? How about a cover? Shade? Solar heater? Is it clean, or is it a toxic green mess? How about a motion detector so you can be alerted in case your dog falls in? Pump and tools: are they inaccessible to your dog? How about installing a pool fence that is dog and kid proof?

10.) Screen doors. Time to fix those?

11.) Does your dog need a digging mound?

12.) What about your dog’s potty area? Does that need replacing? Do you even have a designated area? Will your dog like going there? Artificial turf can be too hot for some dogs to step on, do you have a shady area? Many dogs won’t potty on artificial turf, what are you replacing that with?

13.) Do you have an outdoor kennel? If so, is it well made (I do have an article on that)

14.) Is your hose protected and rolled up to keep it away from your dog? What about any exposed electrical wiring and systems?

15.) What about lighting? Some homes that back up to wildlife passageways can be visited by predators; they are more likely at night to run off if you turn on the lights and go out there with your dog when it is potty time.

16.) Have you considered predator defenses in your yard? Ask your fish and game department as to what is advisable and legal in your area.

17.) Are your planters in good repair? I’ve seen dogs that were injured jumping up and off of crumbly or poorly designed planters.

18.) Do you have a shop? Can the dog get in there and mess with things it shouldn’t?

19.) Garage. How is that working and do you need to make any changes?

And …

20.) Does your yard provide space for training and exercise for your dog?

Summer isn’t that far away…

Plan accordingly.

Intro Video