When A Dog Makes A Mistake

If a dog makes a mistake, or doesn’t do what you wanted them to do, should they show signs of worry?

Twenty plus years ago, I heard about a Doberman that was taught to track using force. If the dog got off the track, the dog was punished. Thus, when the dog made a mistake, losing the scent, not only would the dog “pretend” to keep searching by keeping its nose to the ground, it would also end up crapping blood.

Is that want happens when a wild predator loses track of prey? Do they then pretend to keep hunting, or do they start crapping blood?

My opinion: if any trainer purposely works dogs such that they want them to show worry if and when (and that will happen) they make a mistake, or don’t do what you told them to do, get your dog out of that program immediately!

Plan accordingly.

Intro Video
