Cave Creek AZ Dog Trainer, Dog Training, Behaviorist
Call Today!
Sam Basso
PHOENIX , AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531
OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson
Email: [email protected]

I am a premier Cave Creek dog trainer and behaviorist. I’m in your area a lot. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gassed up my car at the Chevron on Cave Creek and the Carefree highway, or stopped at the local Fry’s for lunch. I’ve even had my brakes done at the local Brake Masters.
I remember one Cave Creek customer. She and her husband had enrolled their Belgian shepherd mix at a board and train facility. They said the trainer there was very harsh on their dog, and in fact once slapped their dog in the face with a clipboard right in front of them! After spending nearly $2000 on the training, the dog wouldn’t obey them at all at home or in public, and they were at the point of getting rid of their him. After an evaluation of the owner and their pet, it was shockingly clear they had been taken advantage of. No one was trained, including the dog. So, we started all over again, doing my Basic Obedience I program. We did ¾ of the lessons in central Scottsdale, for distractions, and the remainder at their home in Cave Creek. The dog got trained, AND THEY KEPT HIM. They told me that they had decided before hiring me that if I couldn’t help them they were going to get rid of the him. I didn’t know that in advance, but I didn’t have to. I treat all dogs as if I might be that dog’s last chance.