Dogs And Super Bowl Sunday!
Superbowl Sunday Is here… do you have a plan to keep your dogs safe? Here is a simple checklist:
Bad Training Methods Can Be Masked With High Drive Working Dogs
Working dogs, and I’m referring to the police service breeds, have very high prey drive. They will do just about anything for a toy, and don’t even perceive danger when in prey drive for a toy. Thus, harsh methods can be used on these dogs in ways that you could never do to a pet […]
When A Dog Makes A Mistake
If a dog makes a mistake, or doesn’t do what you wanted them to do, should they show signs of worry? Twenty plus years ago, I heard about a Doberman that was taught to track using force. If the dog got off the track, the dog was punished. Thus, when the dog made a mistake, […]
My Dog Doesn’t Like My Husband
Why is it that many dogs, especially new dogs introduced into the home, actively avoid or are hostile to the man of the home but tend to accept the wife? From insects, all the way up to humans, there is a general pattern that there are fewer males within social groups than females. Especially with […]
5 Best Dog Breeds For Families
There are innumerable articles and videos regarding what breeds are best for this or that. There is no such list that makes any sense. These articles are click bait, so they aren’t for your benefit at all. These people don’t know you! Instead, you get the right dog for you. That’s the right “breed”. Maybe […]
Don’t Be Rough On Your Dog
Why do I feel the need to tell people to not be rough on their dogs? Because many people think that being rough on their dogs is the way to deal with a dog. That backfires, sometimes with disastrous results. So, let’s back up a bit. Good dog training doesn’t equal being rough on a […]
Do You Train Sick Dogs?
I have a rule: I don’t train sick dogs What I mean by “sick” is any dog that isn’t feeling well… infection, raging allergies, recovering from an injury, overly stressed, and such. I want owners to tip me off in advance, if possible, if their dogs aren’t their normal selves. It’s not fair to make […]
Dogs And Overcrowded Shelters (Part 2)
Humans are territorial creatures. When a human loses their home, it is an extremely stressful experience, having potentially significant impacts on their health and behavior. Until they can find a new home, and see it as home, they will continually feel disconnected. Even “homeless” people (the term changes so frequently, what is used today will […]
I’m Afraid Of My Puppy
I have encountered numerous people who were afraid of their puppies. In this article, I’m referring to people who have had no threatening behavior by the puppy but are afraid of the puppy because of what it might become. For example, I’ve spoken to first time dog owners with little fluffy puppies that are afraid […]
Dogs And Discovering Potential Talent
I am not an “old school” dog trainer. Here’s what I mean by that. Old School: You might have worked with the dog a bit to understand Sit, Down, Heel, and Come. OK, that is a good start. But then there is the switch. The mentality changes and then if the owner gives a command, […]