5 Best Dog Breeds For Families

There are innumerable articles and videos regarding what breeds are best for this or that.

There is no such list that makes any sense. These articles are click bait, so they aren’t for your benefit at all. These people don’t know you!

Instead, you get the right dog for you. That’s the right “breed”. Maybe purebred, maybe mixed. Big, small, medium sized. Long haired, short haired. Sheds, doesn’t shed. Athletic, couch potato. 

One size, or even 5 sizes, don’t fit all. There wouldn’t be nearly 500 pure breeds in the world if it was as simple as a list of five. Dogs have been domesticated to do many jobs, and what you need or want isn’t going to be what others need or want. Instead, you have the amazing opportunity to dial in the right dog for your family… with a bit of research and thought.

The best dog is going to be like you and your family, a dog that can swing with you for the next 15 years.

Plan accordingly. 

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