Dog Dominance Theory Debunked?

Has “dominance theory”, extrapolated from the study of wolves, been debunked for both wolves and dogs?

First, let’s define “dominance”. Dominance is “Social interactive behaviors regarding status/ rank” (Armin Winkler, Rivanna K9 Services LLC).

Do the wolf experts claim there is no such thing as status or rank in wolf groups (also known as packs)?

No. The uneducated idiots that promote this idea are saying that for good purposes (usually), to stop the rough treatment of dogs by horrible dog trainers and owners. However, the ends don’t justify the means.

Who are these so-called “experts” they are referring to? Have they even read their work and listened to their interviews? Name the expert, please. Who has done the “debunking”?

Is there a breeding pair, the “alpha” male and “alpha” female in a wolf group? Yes. Do they enforce rules down the line? Yes. Is there an often-competitive rank order among the males? Yes. Is there an often-competitive rank order among the females? Yes. Are their status levels? Yes. Do you think that neonates, puppies, adolescents, young adults, adults, and the adult breeding pair all have the same status in the family and treated equally? No. It is absurd to claim otherwise. Are dogs and wolves the same? No. Are there some similarities? Yes. Does captivity and increased group density within a given area increase the competitiveness for wolves and dogs? Yes. Are males more likely to fight with males and females with females? Yes. Can all of the above affect the threshold for fights? Yes.

Has the use of the dominance concept been used inappropriately? Yes, by two groups:

  1. The horrible dog trainers who don’t know what they are talking about.
  2. The horrible animal welfare advocates that don’t know what they are talking about.

What should you do regarding “dominance”? Pick a different source and a different trainer if that is the basis and rationale for their entire approach to training your pet. PRO TIP: Don’t attempt to gain dominance over your dog: you don’t know what you are doing and what you are messing with.

Plan accordingly.

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