Wisely Choosing A Dog Breed

Dog breeds are, and were, created to specialize in doing certain tasks.

By selecting and emphasizing various traits, it makes a specific breed easier to do those tasks.

For example, it is easier to herd sheep with a Border Collie than with a Greyhound.

So, when you are choosing a breed, if you are being smart about it, you will pick a breed that has behavioral traits that make life with you a lot easier.

I had a student that used to have a large ranch in northern AZ. They had horses and cattle. Their preferred breed was the Australian Shepherd. They said the dogs practically trained themselves and fit in nicely with that lifestyle. But when they sold their ranch and moved to Scottsdale to retire, then they were all thumbs with their Australian Shepherd. All those external stimuli that made that type of dog operate almost effortlessly on the ranch weren’t present in a suburban home. Thus, the dog was having issues, and they were having issues with their dog.

Even if you are getting a mixed breed dog, it is still easier if the dog has traits that will make the dog more effortlessly fit into the lifestyle you are going to provide. That takes some thinking and research before you decide. Too many people get a dog based upon how that dog looks rather than what that dog is. Then they are fighting the dog’s inborn traits and wondering why it is so hard. I think this is one reason why so many dogs end up in shelters.

Plan accordingly.

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