Is Your Dog Socially Compatible?
Imagine how it feels to your dog if it doesn’t have anything to offer to social situations or tasks, to not be accepted by people and not have any useful skills to offer. In other words, what is it like if your dog is a misfit? The easy dog, the social and trained dog, finds […]
Manners For Your Dog
Training a dog doesn’t just mean teaching your dog to do this or that in a vacuum. I want my students to select what Manners they want their dogs to obey, to establish a good relationship that fosters good Manners, and then ensure those Manners are consistently rewarded. It is important to be direct with […]
Establishing Good Dog Training Habits
Part of my job as a dog trainer is to help dog owners develop good habits to replace their bad habits. This is another reason why I don’t support board and train programs. A lot of what you do, or don’t do, with your dog causes the behavioral problems your dog exhibits. If your dog […]
Environmental Enrichment Or Training For Shelter Dogs?
This morning, I went to look at a dog that is being boarded at a local animal shelter. I was invited by a rescue organization to meet with one of their volunteers and work with him a bit. The volunteer came equipped with several new toys and some treats. We were ready. When we went […]
Why Do People Give Away Their Dogs?
What are the main behavioral reasons people give away their dogs according to the HSUS? There are several studies on this topic, but the general causes are: 1.) Hyperactivity; 2.) Barking; 3.) Destructiveness; and 4.) Failed Housetraining. When you look at that list, what seems to be the overall common issue? It sure looks like […]
My Viewpoint On Raising A Dog
I have 5 Primary Intentions when raising a dog: to 1.) Properly stimulate a dog’s brain; 2.) Interest a dog in spending time and enjoying social activities with people and other dogs; 3.) Extend a dog’s interests beyond its basic physical wants; 4.) Teach valuable communication skills; and 5.) Teach a dog a higher level […]
Companion Dogs
My specialty is working with companion dogs. My students get dogs to be companions. They are treated well and treated as family members. Most people get dogs to be companions, however, that’s not how it works out for many dogs. I got my first dog as a companion. She went everywhere with me… vacations, work, […]
Pavlov Wasn’t A Dog Trainer
Have you ever engaged in a dog training conversation when someone said, “well, the science says”? I’ve seen a lot of that stuff over the years. I confess, I have said stuff like this, as well. However, when discussing training methods, we first must ask what is the quality of the evidence? Almost all the […]
What Does Your Presence Predict To Your Dog?
How’s your relationship with your dog? For most people, the relationship with their dog needs improvement. Good dog training is personal. Mediocre dog training is mechanical. Poor dog training is reactive and punitive. I ask my students, “is your presence centrifugal or centripetal?” in other words, are you driving your dog away from you (centrifugal)? […]
Sadness And Depression From The Loss Or Death Of A Dog
The mourning from losing a pet, whether through abandonment, escape, rehoming, or death is usually difficult and painful. It is also concerning when the mourning results in pathological defensive coping responses, especially when it involves children. Healthy mourning is directly related to pet loss and goes through a process starting with distress and ending in […]